A mentor is a guide who helps you become the most effective version of yourself. Mentors can be your boss, a friend, or even a relative. It is crucial that you connect with them on an intellectual level, not just to make money or get ahead in life.
A mentor is there for you when you need someone to guide and support you as you progress in your career and personal goals. So, what are some ways to get the most out of a mentor?
1. Have your questions ready.
Focus on one topic per meeting. Don't ask for advice on everything. Instead, maximize every opportunity to talk to them about the issues that matter.
2. Be curious and open-minded.
Mentors are humans with flaws, habits, and points of view. Be open-minded to information and ideas. Regardless, the goal is to decide your course of action. It's not to turn into a clone of your mentor.
3. Be willing to gain knowledge.
Mentors are also there to teach. Whether it's about how to make a presentation or how to work with people, mentors can help you develop the skills necessary for success in your career. By sharing their experience and knowledge, they offer deep insight into various issues.
They’re not just experts—they’re people who learn from the experiences of others. It’s a two-way street: a mentor wants to pass along what they’ve learned to their mentees but also wants to benefit from the feedback, so be sure to give feedback as you apply some of their methods and teachings at work or in life.
4. Follow up with questions.
A mentor is not a therapist. You don’t need to ask them for advice or take their suggestions as gospel—they want to help you get there. So when they give you advice, listen up!
Ask questions if you have any doubts about the validity of their statement. They should be able to answer your questions honestly without feeling like they have to defend themselves against someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about (and this works both ways).
5. Remember, it’s not all about you.
You are not the only one with problems. Your mentor may give you advice, but they are not there to solve all of your problems for you. They may have issues and struggles that they’re working through. This can make it hard for them to understand your problems without feeling like they have to carry the weight of those challenges themselves.
If the relationship between yourself and your mentor is strong enough, then this could help mitigate some of these issues by making sure that both parties feel like they have someone who will listen without being overly judgmental or intrusive; however, if this isn’t happening, then try looking elsewhere!
A mentor isn’t just a person who has answers for you; they’re also willing to share what they know and exchange ideas. Mentors have experience and knowledge you want to learn from, whether it’s about an industry or just life. They can help you grow and develop as a person by sharing their story with you.
Mentors can also help you connect with other people in your network that could benefit from your skill set, whether it be through networking events or getting advice on how to make the most of those networks (or both!).
The goal of a mentor is to help you learn, grow, and become a better person. If you want to connect with someone who has experience in what you’re interested in, then ask them if they’d be willing to help!
You’ll get some fascinating insight into their world and maybe even make some new friends along the way.
Have you ever had a mentor? What was your experience like? Share your thoughts and experience with us in the comment section!